Oli Green

Founder & Director

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My name is Oli and I am thrilled to welcome you to Pink Tile Education. As the founder of the business, I set out with a vision to improve outcomes in education recruitment. At Pink Tile we acutely understand the value of great matches between schools and prospective candidates and the impact it can have on learners.

I got my ‘big break’ in recruitment over a decade ago straight out of University, firstly put in charge of recruiting for secondary schools across West Sussex moving on to senior management within a market leading agency in the Southeast. During my time in a more ‘corporate’ environment, I have held partnership with 25 secondary schools in West Sussex, whilst overseeing operation in East Sussex, Surrey, and London.

Far from corporate, Pink Tile is an environment that you can make yourself at home, pop in, have a cup of tea and let’s discuss a way forward in your career!

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Get in touch, it’s very likely I can still help you!